Flat Waiting Bench Chair

Flat airport bench is a comfort center that meets today’s needs. Meeting all user needs, Flat is designed for all public areas where waiting moments are important. The product, which has a suitable structure for the dynamics of architectural spaces with its strong construction and geometry, stands out with its hidden assembly details, elegance and sophisticated style.

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SKU: woo-long-sleeve-tee-1-3-5-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-1-3 Categories: , ,


Flat which is designed by considering the needs of waiting areas at the places with heavy human traffic such as airports, terminals and hospitals, offers a comfortable sitting experience. The angled and curved seating surface and the structure of the back support adapt to the shape of the human body and provide a comfortable and healthy posture. While this feature brings the product to the highest level of ergonomy, it maintains the comfort it promises even in long seating hours. Flat; meets the robustness and ease of cleaning features that stand out in furniture used in public areas without compromising on design. It allows versatile combinations and space planning that can be shaped according to space and needs with armrest and coffee table extensions.


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Flat Waiting Bench Chair

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